Academic Unit: Department of Business Administration
Program Objectives: The aim of the program is to support students to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about the main areas of business administration and to equip them with the necessary tools to conduct research independently. By placing a special emphasis on conceptual, theoretical and practical research; the program aims to create a learning environment, where students gain academic insight by group discussions and conducting academic research.
Medium of Instruction: Turkish
International Student Quotas: International student quotas are announced on the Graduate School of Social Sciences web site ( before the applications are open, each fall and spring semesters.
Admissions Calendar: Admissions calendar is announced on the Graduate School of Social Sciences web site ( before the applications are open, each fall and spring semesters.
Application Link: (Applicants are advised to check the academic calendar first and send their applications only during the application period.)
Admission Requirements: Admissions requirements announced on the Graduate School of Social Sciences web site ( before the applications are open, each fall and spring semesters.
Who can apply?
In-Field Quotas |
In-Field BA Programs Bachelor degree holders of Banking and Finance, Banking and Insurance, Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Econometrics, Economics and Finance, Economics, Financial Econometrics, Entrepreneurship, Public Relations and Advertising, Public Relations and Publicity, Airline Operations, Economics, Human Resources Management, Business Administration, Business Information Management, Business Informatics, Business Engineering, Business Administration and Economics, Public Administration, Hotel Management, Logistics, Logistic Management, Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Accounting and Auditing, Accounting and Finance Management, Marketing, Capital Markets and Portfolio Management, Capital Market, Insurance, Insurance and Risk Management, Insurance and Social Security, Civil Aviation Management, Political Sciences and International Relations, Political Science and Public Administration, Tourism, Tourism Management, Tourism and Hotel Management, Transportation and Logistics, International Relations, International Finance and Banking, International Entrepreneurship, International Business Administration, International Business Administration and Trade, International Logistics and Transportation, International Logistics Management, International Retail Management, International Trade and Finance, International Trade and Financing, International Trade and Business Administration, International Trade and Logistics, International Trade and Logistics Management, International Trade and Marketing, International Trade, Logistics and Management, Management Information Systems, Management Sciences programs should apply to in-field quotas. In-Field MA Programs MA degree holders of Management, Business Administration, Human Resources, Accounting, Finance, Administration and Organization, Human Resources Management, Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Production Management, Numerical Analysis, International Trade, Industrial Relations and Human Resources, International Business Administration, Cooperatives, Sustainable Growth and Quality Management, Global Marketing, Real Estate Financing, Financial Market and Investment Management, Monetary and Capital Markets, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Accounting and Auditing, Accounting and Finance Management, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Management, , Production Management and Marketing, Public Relations, Capital Market and Stock Exchange, Banking and Finance programs should apply to in-field quotas. |
Out-of-Field Quotas |
Any applicant who is not a graduate of the programs listed above can apply to out-of-field applicant quotas. |
Compulsory Courses:
Code |
Course Title in Turkish |
Course Title in English |
Course Type |
Number of Credits |
ISL6135 |
Yönetim Alanında Yönlendirilmiş Okumalar |
Directed Readings in Management |
Required by the department |
3 |
ISL6106 |
Örgüt Kuramı |
Organization Theory |
Required by the department |
3 |
ISL6109 |
Örgütsel Davranışta Temel Yaklaşımlar |
Basic Approaches in Organizational Behavior |
Required by the department |
3 |
ISL6114 |
Muhasebe Teorisinde Seçilmiş Konular |
Selected Topics on Accounting Theory |
Required by the department |
3 |
ISL6115 |
Finans Teorisinde Seçilmiş Konular |
Selected Topics in Finance Theory |
Required by the department |
3 |
ISL6157 |
Pazarlama Araştırması |
Marketing Research |
Required by the department |
3 |
ISL6118 |
Pazarlama Kuramı |
Marketing Theory |
Required by the department |
3 |
ISL5004 |
Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Bilimsel Etik |
Research Methods and Scientific Ethics |
Required by the Council of Higher Education |
ISL5001 |
Seminer |
Seminar |
Required by the Council of Higher Education |
0 |
Elective Courses:
Code |
Course Title in Turkish |
Course Title in English |
Number of Credits |
ISL6100 |
İleri Üretim Sistemleri |
Modern Production Systems |
3 |
ISL6155 |
Dijital Pazarlama |
Digital Marketing |
3 |
ISL6101 |
Pazarlama Stratejisi |
Marketing Strategy |
3 |
ISL6102 |
Tüketim Teorisi |
Consumption Theory |
3 |
ISL6103 |
Üretim Stratejilerinin Esasları |
Fundamentals of Production Strategies |
3 |
ISL6104 |
Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri |
Research Techniques in Social Sciences |
3 |
ISL6105 |
İnovasyon Yönetimi |
Innovation Management |
3 |
ISL6107 |
Global Pazarlama |
Global Marketing |
3 |
ISL6108 |
Marka Değeri Yönetimi |
Brand Equity Management |
3 |
ISL6110 |
İlişkisel Pazarlama |
Relationship Marketing |
3 |
ISL6111 |
Stratejik Perakende Yönetimi |
Strategic Retailing Management |
3 |
ISL6113 |
Stratejik Pazarlama İletişimi |
Strategic Marketing Communication |
3 |
ISL6117 |
Satış Gücü Yönetimi |
Sales Team Management |
3 |
ISL6119 |
Ürün Yönetimi |
Product Management |
3 |
ISL6120 |
Lojistik ve Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi |
Logistics and Supply Chain Management |
3 |
ISL6121 |
Yönetim Düşüncesinin Evrimi |
Evolution of Management Thought |
3 |
ISL6122 |
Örgütsel Davranışta Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar |
Contemporary Approaches in Organizational Behavior |
3 |
ISL6123 |
Örgüt Kültürü: Teori ve Uygulamaları |
Organizational Culture: Theory and Practice |
3 |
ISL6124 |
Örgütsel Değişim ve Örgüt Geliştirme |
Organizational Change and Organizational Development |
3 |
ISL6125 |
Kişilerarası İlişkiler ve Örgütsel İletişim |
Interpersonal Relationship and Organizational Communication |
3 |
ISL5135 |
İş Hukuku (Doktora) |
Labour Law (PhD) |
3 |
ISL6127 |
Ortaklıklar Hukuku |
Corporate Law |
3 |
ISL6128 |
Sayısal Karar Verme Teknikleri |
Quantitative Decision Making Techniques |
3 |
ISL6129 |
Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk ve İşletme Stratejileri |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Strategies |
3 |
ISL6130 |
Stratejik İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi |
Strategic Human Resources Management |
3 |
ISL6131 |
Sektör ve Rekabet Analizi |
Industry and Competition Analysis |
3 |
ISL6132 |
Uluslar arası Ortamda Strateji ve Yönetim |
Strategy and Management in an International Context |
3 |
ISL6133 |
Çalışma Hayatında Etik |
Business Ethics in Worklife |
3 |
ISL6134 |
Girişimcilik ve Yenilikçilik Yönetimi |
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management |
3 |
ISL6136 |
Aile İşletmelerinde Kurumsallaşma ve Sürdürülebilirlik |
Institutionalisation in Family Businesses and Sustainability |
3 |
ISL6137 |
Finansal Ekonomide Özel Konular |
Special Topics on Financial Economics |
3 |
ISL6138 |
İşletme Finansı |
Corporate Finance |
3 |
ISL6139 |
Finansal Piyasalar ve Kurumlar Teori ve Uygulama |
Financial Markets and Institutions Theory and Practice |
3 |
ISL6140 |
Uluslararası Finansal Yönetim |
International Financial Management |
3 |
ISL6141 |
Türkiye‘de Sermaye Piyasası |
Capital Markets in Turkey |
3 |
ISL6142 |
İleri Düzeyde Sermaye Piyasası Analizleri |
Analysis of Capital Markets |
3 |
ISL6143 |
Uygulamalı Finansal Ekonometri |
Applied Financial Econometrics |
3 |
ISL6144 |
Risk Yönetimi ve Türev Ürünler |
Risk Management and Derivatives |
3 |
ISL6145 |
Firma Değerleme |
Firm Valuation |
3 |
ISL6146 |
Uluslararası Finansal Raporlama Standartları |
International Financial Reporting Standards |
3 |
ISL6147 |
İşletme Kararlarında Finansal Analiz |
Financial Analysis in Business Decisions |
3 |
ISL6148 |
Uluslararası Bağımsız Denetim Standartları |
International Auditing Standards |
3 |
ISL6149 |
İç Denetim |
Internal Auditing |
3 |
ISL6150 |
Davranışsal Finans |
Behavioral Finance |
3 |
ISL6151 |
Endüstri İşletmelerinde Stratejik Maliyet Yönetimi |
Strategic Cost Accounting |
3 |
ISL6152 |
Stratejik Yönetim Muhasebesi |
Strategic Management Accounting |
3 |
ISL6153 |
Yatırım Analizi ve Portföy Yönetimi |
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management |
3 |
ISL6154 |
Finansal Yönetimde Uygulamalı Araştırmalar |
Applied Research in Financial Management |
3 |
Academic Staff:
- Prof. Dr. Salih DURER
- Prof. Dr. Kenan AYDIN
- Prof. Dr. İbrahim KIRCOVA
- Prof. Dr. Esin CAN
- Prof. Dr. Güler ARAS
- Prof. Dr. Yonca GÜROL
- Prof. Dr. Cemal ZEHİR
- Prof. Dr. Nihat ERDOĞMUŞ
- Prof. Dr. Selim AREN
- Prof. Dr. Halit KESKİN
- Prof. Dr. Ali Ekber AKGÜN
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Turhan ERKMEN
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arzu ÖZSÖZGÜN ÇALIŞKAN
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar BÜYÜKBALCI
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin BAL
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceren ERDİN GÜNDOĞDU
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Emre AKBAŞ
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emel ESEN
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru ENGİNKAYA
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arzu KARAMAN AKGÜL
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serdar BOZKURT
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasin ŞEHİTOĞLU
- Asst. Prof. Dr.Sema AYDIN
- Asst. Prof. Dr.Reşat SARAOĞLU
- Asst. Prof. Dr.Gökmen GÜNDOĞDU
- Asst. Prof. Dr.Sadiye OKTAY
- Asst. Prof. Dr.Ayşe DEMİRHAN
- Asst. Prof. Dr.Esin ERTEMSİR
- Asst. Prof. Dr.Özlem KUTLU FURTUNA
- Asst. Prof. Dr.Tuğçe OZANSOY ÇADIRCI
- Asst. Prof. Dr.Aygül TURAN
- Asst. Prof. Dr.Hasan Ali KAPLAN
- Res. Asst. Dr. Seda CANİKLİ
- Res. Asst. Gizem KÖSE
- Res. Asst. Alper TAŞTEKİN
- Res. Asst. Tuğba HIDIRLAR
- Res. Asst. Sergül TÜRKOĞLU
- Res. Asst. Sanem KAPTANOĞLU
- Res. Asst. Mehmet ÇAĞLAR
- Res. Asst. Semih YILMAZER
- Res. Asst. Hatice Tuğba ETLİOĞLU
- Res. Asst. Gökhan ÖZKAYA
- Res. Asst. Selahaddin Şamil FİDAN
- Res. Asst. Ayşe Merve URFA
- Res. Asst. Zeynep AKSOY
- Res. Asst. Berkay BULUT
- Res. Asst. Barış Can CANTÜRK
- Res. Asst. Serap AKTOGAN
- Res. Asst. Bertaç Şakir ŞAHİN
Graduation Requirements:
In order to graduate from this program;
Students who were admitted to the PhD program with an MA degree are required;
- to take at least 7 courses (21 local credits/ 240 ECTS), two of which are required by the department,
- to take Seminar and Research Methods and Scientific Ethics courses,
- to pass all courses with at least BB grade and have at least 3.0/4.0 GPA,
- to pass the PhD Qualifying Exam, to submit a thesis proposal and 3 thesis follow-up reports,
- to comply with the publication requirement,
- to pass the PhD thesis defense successfully,
Students who were admitted to the PhD program with a BA degree are required;
- to take at least 14 courses (42 local credits/ 300 ECTS), two of which are required by the department,
- to take Seminar and Research Methods and Scientific Ethics courses,
- to pass all courses with at least BB grade and have at least 3.0/4.0 GPA,
- to pass the PhD Qualifying Exam, to submit a thesis proposal and 3 thesis follow-up reports,
- to comply with the publication requirement,
- to pass the PhD thesis defense successfully.
PhD Publication Requirement: PhD students are required to make both of the following publications about their thesis in cooperation with their thesis supervisors:
a) An oral presentation at a national/ international refereed academic congress
b) At least one article published or accepted for publication at a national/ international refereed academic journal
Location: Davutpaşa Campus, Esenler, Istanbul, Turkey
Admissions Contact:
E-mail Address |
Website |
Graduate School of Social Sciences |, | |
Department Contact:
Name- Surname |
E-mail Address |
Phone Number |
Prof. Dr. Salih DURER | |
+90 212 383 67 26 |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halil Emre AKBAŞ | |
+90 212 383 67 24 |
Asst. Prof. Dr.Tuğçe OZANSOY ÇADIRCI | |
+90 212 383 64 25 |